The ports
Acholla (Tunisia)
Acholla was a harbour city on the east coast of Tunisia......
Alexandria (Egypt)
The port of Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great in ca. 331 BC......
Ancona (Italy)
Ancona was and is a main port......
Antium (Anzio)
Antium, modern Anzio was one of the ports in the vicinity of Rome......
Apollonia (Lybia)
Apollonia, modern Susa in Libya.
Aquileia (Italy)
Aquileia was founded in 180/181 BC in the northeast of Italy for border control......
Arelate (France)
Arelate, modern Arles, was located in the delta of the river Rhône......
Burdigala (France)
Burdigala, near the modern city of Bordeaux, was located on the westbank of the river Garonne......
Caesarea Maritima (Israel)
Caesarea Palaestinae (today usually called Caesarea Maritima) was located in Judea......
Carales (Sardinia-Italy)
Carales, modern Cagliari in the south of Sardinia, was an old harbour city......
Carthago (Tunisia)
Carthage was one of the largest cities of the Roman Empire......
Carthago Nova (Spain)
Nova Carthago, the modern Cartagena on the south-east coast of Spain......
Centumcellae (Italy)
Centumcellae, the present Civitavecchia on the west coast of Italy, was founded by the Etruscans......
Corinth (Greece)
Corinth is a very old city 78 kms west of Athene......
Cumae (Italy)
Cumae, not very far from Naples, was the first Greek colony in Italy...
Curubis (Tunisia)
Curubis, the modern city of Korba, lies on the eastern shore of Cap Bon (Tunisia)...
Elaea (Turkey)
Elaea on the west coast of Turkey was the port of Pergamum......
Forum Iulii (France)
Forum Iulii was a harbour town in the south of France about 110 kms east of Marseille......
Gades (Spain)
Gades, the original Phoenician city of Gadiz, was a harbour city on a small island west of Gibraltar.
Gummi (Tunisia)
The location of Gummi, a city mentioned on the Piazzale delle Corporazioni in Ostia, is disputed.
Hispalis (Spain)
Hispalis, modern Sevilla, is located in the south-west of Spain......
Julia Hippo Regius (Algeria)
The Punic-Roman name Hippo Regius means Royal Harbour, ......
JuliaHippo Diarrhytus (Tunesia)
Hippo Diarrhytus, today Bizerte, is the northernmost city of Tunisia.
Kane (Turkey)
The port of Kane is only known from literary sources and....
Lepcis Magna (Libya)
Leptis Magna, with some 100.000 inhabitants,....
Leptiminus (Tunisia)
This harbour was located near the present city of Lamta on the east coast of Tunisia......
Londinium (England)
Londinium was the Latin name for today's city of London......
Luna (Italy)
Luna was founded by the Romans in 177 BC at the mouth of the river Magra......
Massilia, today Marseille, is loaceted on the southern coast of France......
Misenum (Italy)
Misenum was an important military, naval harbour......
Misua Porti (Tunesia)
Misua was a Roman port south of modern Sidi Daoud in northern Tunisia......
Musluvium (Algeria)
The name Musluvium seems to have been preserved in Ostia, ......
Narbo Martius (France)
Narbo Martius, the present Narbonne, was......
Neapolis (Italy)
Neapolis (New City) is the ancient name of Naples......
Olisipo (Portugal)
Municipium Civium Romanorum Olisipo, in short Olisipo, was......
Ostia (Italy)
Ostia was the first harbour of Rome, situated at the mouth of the river Tiber......
Panormus (Sicily-Italy)
Palermo in the northwest of Sicily was called Panormus in Roman times......
Piraeus (Greece)
Piraeus was and still is the port of Athens......
Pisae / Portus Pisanus (Italy)
Pisae or Portus Pisanus, today Pisa, is located at the mouth of the river Arno......
Pitane (Turkey)
Pitane was a port in Turkey. The old harbour city lies....
Also the city of Pompeii, situated on the mouth of the Sarnum river, was equipped with a harbour.
Pompeiopolis (Turkey)
Pompeiopolis, modern Soli, was a harbour on the south coast of Turkey.
Portus Iulius (Italy)
Portus Iulius is located in the northwestern part of the Gulf of Naples......
Portus Romae (Italy)
Portus, near the present airport of Fiumicino (Rome)......
Puteoli (Italy)
Puteoli, the modern city of Pozzuoli, was built by the Greeks and became a Roman colony......
Ravenna / Civitas Classis (Italy)
Civitas Classis is the name of the military harbour of Ravenna......
Sabratha (Libya)
Sabratha, located about 70 kms from modern Tripoli in Libya,........
Salona (Croatia)
Salona in modern Croatia was a Roman port 5 km from Split. ......
Syllectum (Tunisia)
Syllectum was one of the oldest harbour cities in Tunisia......
The city was probably founded by the Volsci and is known in ancient sources as Anxur....
Tarraco (Spain)
Tarraco, modern Tarragona, at the east coast of Spain, is the oldest Roman settlement on the Iberian peninsula.
Telo Martius (France)
Telo Martius was a harbour in the south part of France near the present city of Toulon......
Thapsus (Tunisia)
Thapsus, modern Bakalta, was a harbour city on the east coast of Tunisia.
Tunisia → near tunis → Utica
Utica, some 30 kms to the west of Tunis, was built near the mouth of the river Medjerda......
Turris Libisonis (Sardinia-Italy)
Turris Libisonis, modern Porto Torres, is situated on the north-west part of Sardinia......
Tyrus (Lebanon)
Tyrus on the coast of Lebanon......
Vada Volaterrana (Italy)
Vada Volaterrana was an important harbour between Portus Pisanus and Populonium near the modern Vada....
The resurfaced fleet of Pisa

In 1998, an incredible archaeological heritage was discovered by accident near the Pisa San Rossore railway station....
Read more ...Leptiminus

At the site of present-day Lamta on Tunisia's east coast, there was already a port city named Leptis Minor ....
Read more ...Roman maritime trade law

Roman law is the finest monument that Rome bequeathed to Western Europe....
Read more ...Sullecthum (Salakta)

In the Sahel, in the Tunisian province of Madhia, we find by the sea the small town of Salakta....
Read more ...Colonia Julia ad Turrem Libisonis

.....probably founded by Julius Ceasar around 46 BC, was located in the north-west of Sardinia.
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