intérêt humain
Droit romain du commerce maritime(Anglais)
Roman law is the finest monument that Rome bequeathed to Western Europe....
Tous les fleuves mènent à Rome (Anglais)
.....rivers were the arteries of the Roman Empire...........
Le Servus romain (Anglais)
Let deserving slaves sit down so that they may stand up free...........
marbre espagnol (Anglais)
Very soon after her construction Italica developed into a prosperous city with a harbour for the import and export of all kinds of goods including minerals and…..marble....
Navires de commerce romains (Anglais)
When we speak of ports, in our case Roman ports, we usually refer to temporary anchorages or berths where...........
Phares romains de la mer Méditerranée (Anglais)
To create clearly defined harbours, navigators were guided by fires on hilltops. ..........
Marbre pour Rome (Anglais)
In the empire there was a large port network to import and distribute marble to Rome. .......
Ports militaires romains (Anglais)
In addition, there were of course also ports built as military harbours and served as home to .......
Tabernae à Ostie (Anglais)
Originally a taberna was a one-room shop for the sale of goods or for services. .....
DE L'EAU (Anglais)
How to create your own Roman bathhouse....
Les voix du passé (Anglais)
Although we do know a lot about the Romans generally speaking .....
Sauvetage de la ville portuaire de Rome (Anglais)
Endangered marble cladding: Berlin archaeologists have been working in Ostia for ten years.....
IO SATURNALIA - une histoire de Noël (Anglais)
The corresponding expressions of Christmas often go much further back and seem to be derived from the religions and traditions that.......
Biscuit de mer pour marins (Anglais)
In many articles we showed how important grain was for Rome.
Finalement, il s’agit de personnes(anglais)
History, and, of course, archaeology, enjoys an increasing interest nowadays.
ICTIS (Anglais)
Tin mining started in Cornwall around 2000 B.C. In Roman times ....
Défricher Le désert pour l'illumination de Rome (Anglais)
In his Res Rustica, Columella writes: Olea prima omnium arborum est ..........
Information touristiques dans un ancien port romain (Anglais)
Some years ago Jan Theo Bakker, archaeological adviser of Roman Ports, and I ..........
Le cimetière de navire de Pandateria (Anglais)
Recently I discovered a video about an underwater project in 2009 for the coast of the island of Ventotene, Italy.
Manger du bol africaine (Anglais)
In 146 B.C., the Roman legions sacked Carthage and took over its wheat fields.....
imitatio et aemulatio (Anglais)
The Phoenician roots of the Sardinian ports.......
un endroit pour tomber en amour avec (Anglais)
Short impression of my first visit to Ostia....
Commerce d'outre-mer (Anglais)
What kind of cargo did the ships carry that entered a Roman port?
Santa Severa la ville dernière una station balnéaire (Anglais)
The story about an almost forgotten small Roman port.
Une maison de campagne avec une vue (Anglais)
Villa della Palombara, house of Pliny the Younger?
Le ports de Campi Flegrei (Anglais)
Campi Flegrei or the Phlegraean Fields (burning fields) is a long volcanic area .....
Expédition d’hiver (Anglais)
In ancient times there was hardly shipping during the winter........
Centumcellae, le port de Trajan (Anglais)
The harbour of Civitavecchia, situated on the remains of the old Roman harbour of Centumcellae, was built .....
Civitavecchia, notes historiques (Anglais)
Todays city of Civitavecchia has been built originally at the beginning of the second century AD by the emperor Trajan ......
Recherche de Centumcellae (Anglais)
In1984, visiting for the first time Civitavecchia......
Ostia versus Pompeï (pas encore disponible en Français)
Ostia and Pompeii are without question the two best preserved towns from Roman times
A place without fear (pas encore disponible en Français)
Isola Sacra, the Holy or Sacred Island, is an artificial island formed by the sea, the river Tiber and,...
Le port enseveli
En 1614 le pape Pie II écrit dans ses Commentaires “L’empereur Claude a construit un port qui était protégé du côté gauche aussi bien que du côté droit ....
Comment le littoral d'Ostie a changé à travers les siècles
L’arc double du littoral de la Campagna Romana est constitué de barrières...
Un port pour Rome
Sur les origines d’Ostie rien ne peut être dit avec certitude
Alberino Vicari "Il Biondo"
Rapport et le film d"Ostia et l'homme qui se souvenait des fresques pour plus de 60 ans.
Leptiminus (Anglais)

At the site of present-day Lamta on Tunisia's east coast, there was already a port city named Leptis Minor ....
Lire la suite...Droit romain du commerce maritime(Anglais)

Roman law is the finest monument that Rome bequeathed to Western Europe....
Lire la suite...Sullecthum (Salakta) Anglais

In the Sahel, in the Tunisian province of Madhia, we find by the sea the small town of Salakta....
Lire la suite...Colonia Julia ad Turrem Libisonis (Anglais)

.....probably founded by Julius Ceasar around 46 BC, was located in the north-west of Sardinia.
Lire la suite...